I’ve said before and I’ll say it again. Zero-tolerance policies are a bad idea when addressing sexual harassment complaints. In fact, they shouldn’t even apply to complaints about discrimination or workplace infractions. Although zero-tolerance policies convey the impression that an employer is taking a hard line stand against conduct it wants to discourage or eliminate, the reality is a little more complicated, just like the workplace.
Continue Reading Zero-Tolerance Policies Hurt Harassment Reporting and #MeToo
Workplace Harassment
Coming Soon! Workplace Harassment Prevention Training in New Haven & Hartford
Harassment in the workplace is a common complaint of employees, and creates a liability for your business. The key to the prevention of unlawful harassment in the workplace is training. In this program we will review the law regarding unlawful harassment, as well as best practices to address it and minimize legal liability. These sessions will be conducted by attorneys with years of experience in training and dealing with complaints of harassment.
This program satisfies Connecticut’s mandate that all supervisors in companies with 50 or more employees receive sexual harassment prevention training. This training is required in Connecticut and recommended in Massachusetts.
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